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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 02 ›› Issue (01) : 38 -41. doi: 10.3877/cma j.issn.2095-5782.2014.01.011


125I 粒子植入联合动脉化疗治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌
明华1,2, 邹春华1, 周青春1, 黄涛金1, 官泳松2,()   
  1. 1.610041 武警四川总队成都医院肿瘤科
    2.610041 成都, 四川大学华西医院肿瘤科
  • 收稿日期:2013-06-09 出版日期:2014-03-01
  • 通信作者: 官泳松

125I seed implantation combined with chemotherapy in treatment of non small cell lung cancer in advanced stage

Hua Ming1, Chunhua Zou1, Qingchun Zhou1, Jintao Huang1, Yongsong Guan1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Oncology,Chengdu Hospital of Chinese People Armed Police Force,Chengdu 610041,China
  • Received:2013-06-09 Published:2014-03-01
  • Corresponding author: Yongsong Guan

明华, 邹春华, 周青春, 黄涛金, 官泳松. 125I 粒子植入联合动脉化疗治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌[J/OL]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2014, 02(01): 38-41.

Hua Ming, Chunhua Zou, Qingchun Zhou, Jintao Huang, Yongsong Guan. 125I seed implantation combined with chemotherapy in treatment of non small cell lung cancer in advanced stage[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2014, 02(01): 38-41.


评价125I粒子植入联合动脉化疗治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC) 的疗效。


根据是否接受125I粒子植入治疗为分组标准, 将30例晚期NSCLC患者分为研究组和对照组。研究组为15例在接受动脉化疗治疗期间同时自愿接受肿瘤内125I粒子植入者, 术前及术后第3个月为评价时点行胸部CT增强扫描。 对照组15 例只接受动脉化疗, 每疗程开始复查胸部CT增强扫描。以实体肿瘤评价RECIST标准评价125I粒子治疗疗效, 并观察KPS评分变化。


研究组在粒子植入后3 个月复查增强CT, 完全缓解(CR) 1 例, 部分缓解(PR) 11 例, 病变稳定(SD) 3 例, 病变进展(PD) 无, 总缓解率80.00% (12/15) , 总有效率100% (15/15) , KPS评分平均提高11.3 分,疼痛评分平均下降2.9 分。 对照组CR 无, PR 6 例, SD 4 例, PD 5 例, 总缓解率40.00% (6/15) 、总有效率66.67% (10/15) , 研究组疗效优于对照组(P﹤0.05) , KPS 评分平均提高5.3 分, 疼痛评分平均下降1.0分。


125I粒子植入联合动脉化疗治疗晚期NSCLC能安全、 有效地改善临床症状, 提高生活质量, 为晚期NSCLC 治疗提供一种安全、 可行和微创的治疗手段。


To evaluate the effect of125I seed implantation combined with chemotherapy in treatment of patients with non small cell lung cancer(NSCLC)in advanced stage.


According to receiving 125I seed implantation or not,30 patients with NSCLC in advanced stage were divided into 2 groups.Trial group(n=15)who were extra treated with125I seed implantation during chemotherapy were scanned by contrastenhanced CT in chest respectively before and after implantation in the 3rd month.Control group(n=15)who were just treated by chemotherapy were scanned by CT in chest only once before the chemotherapy.The effect of125I seed implantation was evaluated with RECIST standard,and KPS was scored.


In trial group,there were one complete remission(CR),11 partial remission(PR),3 stable disease(SD)and no progressive disease(PD)being measured by contrast-enhanced CT in 3 months after implantation.The overall remission rate and response rate were respectively 80.00% (12/15)and 100% (15/15). On average,KPS increased 11.3 and aching score decreased 2.9.In control group, there were no CR,6 PR,4 SD and 5 PD.The overall remission rate and response rate were respectively 40.00% (6/15)and 66.67% (10/15).Trial group was better than control group(P﹤0.05).On average,KPS increased 5.3 and aching score decreased 1.0.


The symptoms were alleviated to raise the living quality through 125I seed implantation combined with chemotherapy that could provide a safe,feasible and mini-traumatic treatment for NSCLC in advanced stage.

表1 两组患者在临床病理特征及化疗方案的比较(基线比较)
表2 两组患者在接受治疗后3 个月临床缓解率、有效率的比较
表3 两组患者在接受治疗后3 个月临床症状变化的比较
表4 两组患者在治疗前后白细胞数量变化的比较(109/L)
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